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Living Trust

Living Trust

Manjeet was born into Sikhism in India. She was taught to carefully follow the rituals of memorizing passages from their holy book and repeating prayers she didn't understand, while also never cutting her hair and wearing the right clothing. "If you deviate from these rules in any way," she explains, "you have committed a great sin and lose your connection with God. You are shunned."

At the age of 20, Manjeet moved to Canada, became a nurse, and was introduced to Christianity. She married and had two children, but her husband eventually left her. In her desire to reconnect with God, she once more explored the Sikh religion, but she couldn't find answers to her deepest questions, such as, "Where did I come from?" and "What happens when we die?"

"I prayed with my whole heart," she recalls, "asking God to help me find Him." One day she came across Amazing Facts on television. As she listened to Pastor Doug preach about creation, she felt as if he were speaking directly to her. Manjeet had so many more questions that when she discovered Pastor Doug's church was located in Sacramento, where she now lives, she attended worship services, started Bible studies, and was eventually baptized.

"My life is now very peaceful. I am so happy to have Jesus in my life. I used to worry so much, but Christ has given me peace." She once had a meeting with her Indian family, who wanted to speak with her about her new faith. "Before we started, I excused myself, went into a back room, knelt down, and prayed for the grace and words to answer their questions." She says, "They put me through the grinder! But Jesus gave me help to glorify His name."

Manjeet is now a volunteer for Amazing Facts. Since 2010 she has been helping others know God's will through the very ministry that deeply touched her own life. She relates, "When I learned about my Lord, I discovered everything belongs to Him. I was so moved by God's love for me, I wanted to give all to Him." That's why she set up her own will to remember Amazing Facts. It's also one more powerful way she can be a witness to her family!

She explains that Christians need to plan ahead when it comes to their estate. "Choose to set up your estate while you are still alive to avoid the heartache." Manjeet has seen what can happen with family members who fight over property. "It breaks my heart!"

"God is using Amazing Facts in a big way," she says. "I am so thankful God opened my eyes to truth and brought me into the glorious light. It's my desire to use all my resources to lead people to Jesus and let them know He is coming soon." You can do the same. If you'd like to learn more about including the work of Amazing Facts in your will or trust, please contact our Estate and Gift Planning team at 800-436-2695 or email [email protected] .

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