Heroes of Faith Legacy Circle

Leave a Legacy of Soul-Winning
As a people waiting for the soon coming of Jesus, we know that we are to watch and be ready. Yet as we see the signs of the end being constantly fulfilled all around us, our time is not to be spent just waitingbut also in diligent work for Him.
In the parable of the talents, Jesus reveals what it really means to "watch" for His coming. We are called to use the means of our lifetime, which God has entrusted to us, to be multiplied for the salvation of souls. The good and faithful servant chose to make a legacy for his master: "Lord, you delivered to me five talents, I have gained five more talents besides them" (Matthew 25:20).
Friend, I invite you today to choose to make your legacy for Jesus, to bring even more people into His everlasting kingdom by faithfully working with Amazing Facts. Through a gift from your will or trust, your labor of a lifetime can do even more through Amazing Facts' evangelistic work as we continue saving souls until Jesus' return. Your well-thought planned gift, which might have little to no financial impact on you today, could result in the largest, most lasting impact of saving souls for Christ!
Will you prayerfully consider joining our Heroes of Faith Legacy Circle and be among those who will make a significant difference in helping to finish God's work? The Heroes of Faith Giving Levels show the different options you have to be part of those diligently seeking to proclaim God's last-day message through their legacy plans.

Pastor Doug Batchelor
President, Amazing Facts International
Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.
Jesus, Matthew 25:21
To help plan for the future of the ministry and sustain our work in spreading the three angels' messages to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people, Amazing Facts International has set a fundraising goal of $20,000,000 through future bequests. Such faithful commitments from partners like you would help ensure the continuation of Amazing Facts' most successful evangelistic programs for years to come. While we walk by faith and trust in the Lord's provisions to sustain, we are doing our part to ensure that our soul-winning efforts can continue running smoothly through the upcoming final events.
Legacy Campaign Goal: $20,000,000
Your soul-wining gift can be designated for a ministry program that you are passionate about. You can select one or more of the following ministry programs.
- AFCOE Discipleship Training Program
- Bible School Ministry Program
- "Bring Freedom to All!" Prison Ministry
- Evangelism Ministry Program
- Expand Television Ministry Impact
- International Ministry Program
- Internet Ministry Program
- Publishing Ministry Program
- Radio Ministry Program
Heroes of Faith Giving Levels & Benefits

To join the Heroes of Faith Legacy Circle, or if you would like assistance with setting up a planned gift that supports God's work, please contact our Estate and Gift Planning department at 800-436-2695 or at [email protected].