Named Fund
Setting up a named fund with a gift of cash or through an immediate non-cash gift is a simple way to support the gospel work of Amazing Facts International. You can choose to name the fund after a loved one or as a legacy fund bearing your name(s).
Benefits of a named fund gift:
- Make an immediate impact on the soul-winning mission of Amazing Facts
- Receive a charitable income-tax deduction
- Memorialize the legacy of a family member or another loved one in a way that highlights your evangelistic priorities.
You can start the fund with a minimum gift of $25,000 and replenish it through additional lifetime gifts or through a bequest. A named fund can be funded at death, but it needs to be set up through a gift agreement during one's lifetime.
How to establish a named fund gift:
- Contact an Amazing Facts Estate and Gift Planning Associate regarding a gift and the amount you plan to give.
- Share with us the name(s) of those whom you want to honor through your gift; the person(s) named may be living or deceased.
- Discuss with us what your goals are for the gift, how it can continue to grow through future contributions, and which arm of the ministry you would love to benefit or support.
- Share with us what you love most about the ministry of Amazing Facts.
- Discuss with us how your named gift relates to the legacy you would like to leave for the Lord's work.
Contact us:
If you have any questions about sharing a named fund gift with Amazing Facts, please contact us. We would be happy to assist you!