Cheerful Givers
What vacations are on your bucket list after you retire? A cruise down the Norwegian coast to witness the famed Northern Lights, a romantic stroll alongside the Seine River in Paris, and snorkeling in Australia's Great Barrier Reef all top many a list.
For Roy and Ramona Wesson, their latter days were spent traveling to different U.S. states-New York, Utah, Arizona, California-as volunteers. They visited hospitals, schools, and ministries, including one of their favorites: Amazing Facts International.
This wasn't surprising for a couple who had long possessed the missionary spirit. Their lives were dedicated to helping others and furthering the cause of God. As a teacher, Roy worked in church schools before becoming a treasurer for two church conferences. Ramona served as a nurse.
Additionally, in the 1960s, both husband and wife ministered to the Navajo people in Monument Valley, Utah, in what Ramona called "one of the highlights of her career." While Roy was the business manager at the hospital that served the Native American population, Ramona, in addition to working at the Monument Valley hospital, put together a nurse's aide class specifically for Navajo women.
The Wessons, devoted Sabbath-keepers, also brought up their two daughters in the faith. Their love for God was apparent in their life's work, not least of all to their own children. Writes their daughter Laurie, "My sister, Sally, and I have been honored to have had wonderful parents who were an inspiration to us in so many ways. They gave their time and money to God's work."
Indeed, it was as if their lives were made up of the encouragement found in 2 Corinthians 9:7, "Let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver."
And as it was in life, so it is in death. Having passed away within six months of each other, Roy at 92 and Ramona at 93, the couple left behind a beautiful parting gift for Amazing Facts to ensure that the gospel truth would live on.
"Upon their death, their wishes were to donate their assets to help others learn about Jesus," explains Laurie. "We hope that this donation, given with much love, will be an encouragement to you in your ministry. We pray that the funds … will be a blessing and that God will multiply it to further His kingdom."
That is the dedicated purpose of the Amazing Facts estate and planned giving team. Our most heartfelt mission is to co-labor with you and God that, together, we will multiply souls for His kingdom. We invite you to remember Amazing Facts in your estate plan. Reach out to us at 800-436-2695 to learn about all the ways you can give.
Like Roy and Ramona, you too can claim God's gracious promise, "He who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully" (v. 6).